Top 6 Things to Look Before Investing in a Ticketing Software

5 min readSep 5, 2023

Helpdesk software is for every business irrespective of the size of the industry. However, the only way to make the most of the software is to choose the right tool.

When choosing the right ticket management software for your business, there are several aspects to consider. In this post, we shall discuss all the factors you need to consider before investing in ticketing software.

Benefits of Having a Ticketing Software

As your business grows, the number of tickets that you get each day also increases. It is not feasible to take care of the ticketing process manually.

In order to save time, and deliver quick support, you need to invest in proper ticketing software. It can help you in the following ways:

→ A powerful online ticketing system by automating the process of ticket routing can enable faster ticket resolution.

→ It helps remove unnecessary mundane and time-consuming manual processes of ticket routing.

→ As your support team is able to solve more tickets, you can reduce the ticket backlog.

→ Ticketing software helps provide more personalized and quality support to each and every customer.

→ It helps set clear expectations and maximize customer satisfaction.

Factors to Consider Before Investing in a Ticket Management Software

1. Easy to Use Interface

You are going to buy a new tool that your employees are not used to. Hence, it is important to ensure that the software is user-friendly.

UI can make or break your customer support process. The interface of the software is one of the first things that you need to consider before buying the software.

Look if the interface is smooth and easy to use. Can you and your staff easily find the things that you are looking for? Does the software have drag and drop options? and such.

To get a clear idea of the interface of the ticketing software, it’s good to take a demo from the vendor. That will give you a clear idea of not only the functionalities but also help gauge the tool’s usability.

2. What Features Does the Online Ticketing System Have

Managing ticket is a crucial task, and therefore, you need functionalities that help you ease the whole process. Here are some important things that your ticket management software needs to have to help you achieve your goals.

  • View customer queries from different channels like emails, forms, etc.
  • Merge multiple tickets that are similar in nature to send similar replies.
  • Advanced ticket filtering to group, sort, and filter queries.
  • Ability to create pre-formatted responses.
  • Create targets and SLAs for workflows.
  • Notifications, Reports, and knowledge base are some other features.

3. Scalability is Important

Software scalability is the ability to grow software to meet the changing requirements of a business. If you expect your company and support team to grow in the coming years, it is important to have a tool that is scalable.

If the software is difficult to scale, you may encounter issues like reduced performance, poor user experience, downtime, difficulty adding new features, and so on.

Investing in scalable software will help you deliver a greater user experience, lower maintenance cost, and high agility.

4. Do Not Compromise on Security

With growing cybercrimes, you need to take software security seriously. Your helpdesk will store private information like name, contact number, password, email, and such. In such a case, security becomes essential.

When you buy ticketing software for your business, examine all the security features. You also need to evaluate the vendor. Have a look at their privacy policies, and ask them questions wherever necessary.

Check if the vendor is following industry-standard best security practices. Ask them if all the necessary licenses are in place.

It is also important to keep a check on the vendor’s track record. Go through their case studies and testimonials.

5. See if there is a Self-service Knowledge Base Ability

The knowledge base is an online library of information about a product or service. It includes tutorials, how-to guides, frequently asked questions, and so on.

Customer support knowledge base enables your customers to self-serve their own answers to frequently asked questions.

This helps in providing quick support and also helps reduce overall support costs. Your support agents no longer have to spend hours on calls solving a problem.

Self-service improves employee productivity and increases customer satisfaction rate. You can also improve customer loyalty by providing consistent information across all channels.

So, when buying a helpdesk software, check if you can use the tool to create and publish knowledge-based articles.

6. Additional Point — Consider Automation

Automation is everywhere. Businesses, both big and small are moving towards automated workflows to bring more efficiency and overcome human errors.

Automation in customer support is steadily growing. It aims to reduce human involvement and bring more accuracy.

Take the process of ticket routing for instance. The manual process of ticket generation and solving is complex. You have to manually open a support ticket and assign it to an agent.

Automated ticket routing on the other hand eases the whole process. You can be assured that a particular ticket will go to the right person who has the right knowledge and expertise.

Here are some of the benefits of automated ticket routing:

  • Reduce the overall ticket response time by having a streamlined process.
  • Avoid any unnecessary confusion and errors that can happen in the manual process of ticket routing.
  • Improve employee productivity, and let them focus on important tasks like growing and marketing your business.
  • Deliver a seamless customer support experience and thus improve customer satisfaction.

Concluding Remarks

An online ticketing system is the most crucial tool that you will need to deliver greater customer support. Choosing the right tool can be a tricky task.

We hope this post has given you enough information on the factors you need to consider before making an investment.

Thoroughly understand the software’s features and consider whether the tool is user-friendly. That way, you will be able to achieve your set goals. Security, flexibility, and scalability are also other important aspects to consider.

Also, consider the growing increase of automation in ticket routing. Investing in software that provides automation capabilities will take your business a long way.




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